About The Log Boom
IMPORTANT: This a premium experience that requires ticket purchase for entry.
Join the largest floating party in 2025, the legendary Seafair Log Boom!
Boaters tie up to anchored logs that provide the best views of hydroplanes racing at over 220 MPH and the Blue Angels flying overhead!
Notice To Boaters
General Info
Log Boom passes are not required on Thursday, a free day in all sections except in the Red Section. First-come, first-served all other sections.
- Red boom is reserved Thursday – Sunday for boats with red passes only.
- Boats will be turned away if the Log Boom becomes full by 9:00 AM Thursday.
- All boats must be tied to the booms until after the Blue Angels fly.
Friday, 6:00 AM through Sunday, 6:00 PM, the Log Booms are reserved for paid customers with passes. Log Boom passes can be purchased online.
NO WAKE ALL ZONES – Monday, July 28 – Monday, August 4
After the closure of Zone 1 and 2 in the morning, boats must stay back 100 feet from the South Gap Access line and North of the 1-90 bridge.
After the Blue Angels return to Boeing Field, boats will be escorted into Zone 2 under No Wake Speed, through the East Access and South Gap.
Access Information
Thursday, July 31st
AM: Entry points are through the West Access and South Gap only.
- Public Access Closes at 9:00 AM.
- 10:00 am all boats must be secured to the Log Boom and traffic in Zone 2 cleared.
PM: Entry and exit is through the East Access and South Gap after the Blue Angels return to Boeing Field at approximately 4:30 PM.
Friday, August 1 – Sunday, August 3
AM: Entry points are through the West Access and South Gap only.
- Public Access Closes at 11:00 AM.
- All boats must be secured to the Log Boom and traffic in Zone 2 cleared by 12:00 PM.
PM: Entry and exit is through the East Access and South Gap only, after the Blue Angels return to Boeing Field at approximately 4:30 PM.
Mercer Island residents living directly across from the racecourse, with an issued Seafair M.I. Shuttle Pass, may go across Zone 2, directly to the boom up to 9:00 AM on Thursday and up to 11:00 AM Friday – Sunday under escort.
Boats leaving the White Log Boom must exit through the West overpass.
Please return completed waivers to logboom@seafair.org.
Event FAQ’s
Ticket Info
All passes are valid from Friday, August 1st – Sunday, August 3rd.
Green – $575
Located at the South turn of the Hydroplane Racecourse; allowing boats up to 23 feet in length.
Yellow – $925
Located on the back stretch of the Hydroplane Racecourse with unmatched front row views of the Blue Angels; allowing boats 26-60 feet in length – stern tie only.
White – $700
Located at the north turn of the Hydroplane Racecourse; allowing boats 24-40 feet in length can stern tie. Sailboats are welcome.
Red – $90 per foot
Located on the back stretch of the Hydroplane Racecourse with unmatched front row views of the Blue Angels; allowing boats 32 feet or longer in length – broadside tie only.
Black – $90 per foot
Located on the north end of the Hydroplane Racecourse; allowing for charter boats to tie up.